
Tarika-e-Maizbhandari (or Qadiri Malamiah Ahmedia) is a silsila (path or way).  Hazrat Ahmedullah (1826-1906), who was a descendant of Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (s), had established the Qadiri Malamiah Ahmedia silsila.  Since the departure of Hazrat Ahmed Ullah in 1906, Tarika-e-Maizbhandari has continuously been spreading among its millions of devotees, which is also frequently interpreted as open tarika (open spiritual method or path).
The Maizbhandari tarika, in support of regular prayer of Islam, synthesizes three spiritual streams of Qadiri tariqa,Chistia tariqa and Khidhir tariqa to compose a composite nature of spiritualism to fit the modern age and practice.
  • Qadiri tariqa:  Qadiri tariqa is developed after the teaching of Hazrat Abdul Qadir Jillani (r) of Baghdad, Iraq.   Qadiri tariqa uses zikr (remembrance) to purify the seven layers of soul.  Indeed, the purification follows a complex pattern of zikr by using nafs (located at navel/umbilicus), ruh (located on under the right chest), akhfa/demagh (mind) and kalb (located under the left chest).  The zikrs is used to purify the seven lsyers of nafs.
For nafs-i-Ammara, the zikr is “Lailaha ilallah” [zikr/utterance for 500,000]
  • For nafs-i-Lawwama, the zikr is “Allah-Hu”. [zikr/utterance for 78,000]
  • For Nafs-i-mulhimah, the zikr is “Hu” [zikr/utterance for 44,000]
  • For Nafs-i-mutma’inna, the zikr is  “ya High-yu” [zikr/utterance for 20,000]
  • For Nafs-i-Rajia, the zikr is “Wa-he-du” [zikr/utterance for 30,000]
  • For Nafs-i-Morjia [instructed by Pir]
  • For Nafs-i-Kamela
Dancing Zikr:  An advancement that Maizbhandari Tarika has is the dancing zikr, popularly called Ilif zikr, to purify whole body. The devotees perform dancing zikr with the rethym of music and song, especially in the premise of shrine.  To perform dancing zikr, the body is divided into two halves (or nafs): upper and lower parts.  The upper half of body covers from head to naval is known as Alam-i-‘ulwi.  The lower half of body covers from naval to feet is known as Alam-i-‘sifli.  Alam-i-‘ulwi disciplines one with all sincerity, purity, good manners, and good dealings.   In  Alam-i-‘sifli, there is observation, purity, and chastity.
  • Chistia tariqa: Chistia tariqa shaped after the spiritual principle of Hazrat Moinuddin Chisti (r) of Azmir, India.  Taking inspiration from Chistia tariqa, Maizbhandar tariqa uses sama (song) as a form of prayer.  Song is used to draw connectivity with human body and soul to God.
  • Khidhir tariqa:  Prophet Khidhir (or Khizir), which focuses on the secret and mysterious law of nature.  Experience of devotes suggests that all spiritual celebrities of Maizbhandar and their vice regents are capable of performimg miracles to bring wellbeing to devotes’s life, but these miracles are based on using “the principle of opposite force to yield the positive result.”   The principle behind the Khidhir tariqa lie on what Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) describes as Din-al-Fitra, i.e. Islam is a religion of nature and ecology.  The Khidhir tariqa allows one to understand thekeramat (miracles) and mystery of nature.
The composite nature of Tarika-e-Maizbhandari” could be attained through the practice of following seven methods:
  • “Fana anil Khalak: To absorb in self-spiritual meditation, arouse self-consciousness, attain conviction and self-restraint, know thyself, and achieve self-reliance. In the order of priority, the first principle of Maizbhandari Philosophy is to be self-reliant. This point is highly crucial in the backdrop of socio-economic scenario of the today’s world. If people try to be self-reliant, many of the social ills of the world can be eradicated.
  • “Fana anil Howa”: To abstain from such deed that gives no good result, avoid slandering at others back, shun vilifying and backbiting. If one follows this principle in letter and spirit, human life becomes facile and anxiety-free.
  • “Fana anil Erada”: To surrender completely amidst happiness and sorrow, to the will of Allah, the Almighty and become self-complacent. This implies that human being must surrender unconditionally to his Creator and merge one’s will or desire with that of Allah.
  • “Mout-e- Abiyaz” (White death): Practicing self-control, continence and modesty, observing starvation, less eating and less sleeping.
  • “Mout-e-Aswad” (Black death): To inculcate self-criticism, self-purification, restrain vindictiveness and retaliation, control rage, and accept easily the criticism made by others.
  • “Mout-e-Ahmar” (Red death): To control greed, covetousness, sex-impulse and extinct sexual lust, and regulate oneself to internal and external discipline.
  • “Mout-e-Akhjar” (Green death): To observe absolute austerity, show gratitude and thankfulness, avoid extravagance and lead a simple pellucid life free from foppishness.
If these seven steps are being achieved, one can become very dearer to Allah with ardent faith in Him and absolute dependence on the Almighty and His Divine unity (Tawhid). Moreover, by following the above principles, many untold sufferings can be avoided. Furthermore, anyone will agree that humanism can be achieved in its best possible way by combining the above principles, and that’s why the major focus of Tarika-e-Maizbhandari is on human development and self-attainment.
The Arabic nafs (12:53) is a feminine noun.    Nafs  is a control of mind through which one can reach and achieve different spiritual levels.   There are seven spiritual levels (or state of mind) of which four are very important.  These are:
1. Nafs-i- ammãra (Imperious mind):
Nafs-i-ammãra is interpreted as “the soul that incites to evil.”    The major external projection of nafs-i-ammãra is dunyã, “the world of matter.”  The dunyã is a famine noun.  When the mind is not subject to the control of its possessor and is always inclined to commit evil deeds without any regard to their bad consequences, it is called nafs-i- ammãra.
2. Nafs-i- lawwãma [sura 75:2] (blaming soul):
Nafs-i- lawwãma means reproving mind.  When mind is partially under the control of its possessor and frequently gives up an evil tendency in a remorseful mood but again commits an evil deed, it is then called nafs-i- lawwãma.
3. Nafs-i-mutma’inna [sura 89:27] (soul at peace):
Nafs-i-mutma’inna means complacent mind.  When a mind is under the full control of its possessor and does not at all commit evil deeds according to the dictates of its propensity and after all assumes a composed, contended, satiated and calm attitude, it is then called nafs-i-mutma’inna.
4. Nafs-i-mulhimah
Nafs-i-mulhimah stand for inspiratory mind.   This is the last stage of mental development, in which a mind can easily draw inspiration from Allah.  It is said that such a mind can fathom the secret of Allah and acts according to the will of Allah only.
The perfect unity of jamãl and jalãl in the all surrounding kamãl “Perfection of the divine”

Shahanshah Hazrat Moulana Shah Sufi Syed Ziaul Huq Maizbhandari (k).

Hazrat Shahanshah Syed Ziaul Huq Maizbhandari (k) is regarded by his disciples and followers as a 'Marajal Bahrain' (unction of two streams of waves) in Maizbhadar Darbar Sharif. He played active role in popularising Maizbhandar Darbar Sharif in the contemporary world through his different mysterious actions and wise sayings so as to contribute to the global peace and harmony. Hazrat Ziaul Huq Maizbhandari (k) was fortunate enough to have the endless blessings (Faiz) from three great mines of divine power namely, Hazrat Gausul Azam Maizbhandari (k), Hazrat Baba Bhandari (k) and his father Achi-e-Gausul Azam Khademul Fokara Hazrat Syed Delawor Hossain Maizbhandari (k). He was born on Tuesday morning, December 25' 1928 A.D.; Poush 10, 1335 B.S.; Rajab 12, l347 Hijri. On the 7th day after his birth news named as Syed Badiur Rahman. Hazrat Gausul Azam Maizbhandari (K) did not approve this and he asked his grandson Hazrat Delawor Hossain Maizbhandari (k) in dream to keep the name of his son as Syed Ziaul Huq instead of Syed Badiur Rahman. So, he was finally named as Syed Ziaul Huq (k). At the age of Hazrat Ziau'l Huq Maizbhandari (k) got his elementary education on Kalema and Arabic alphabet from his house tutor Moulavi Mozammel Huq. Then he was admitted to Maizbhandar Ahmadia Junior Madrasa and he studied upto class three in this Madrasa. After that he was admitted to Nanupur Abu Sobhan High School in class five which was adjacent to Maizbhandar Darbar Sharif. He studied upto class eight in this school and then he was admitted to well-reputed Collegiate High School in class nine. In 1949 he passed the Entrance Examination and got himself admitted to Chittagong Government College where from he passed I.A. examination. After that he was admitted to Kanungopara Sir Ashutosh College in B.A. Class. In 1953 during the third day of his B.A. Test examination he became in different and abnormal for sometime and came out of the examination hall submitting his answer script as blank. Thus his institutional or formal education came to an end through this mysterious event. After this event he came straight to Maizbhandar Darbar Sharif and began to undergo spiritual trial and tests (Riajat). He began to pass his time in deep meditation to God giving up the pleasure and comfort of the mundane world. He remained unfed and unslept for days together. Sometimes he used to dive in the water of the pond during the bitter cold of the winter for many days. He used to remain secluded in a single room with door closed from inside for days together breaking all the relations with the mundane world. Once while his father was thinking about his son in a slumber at night he found Hazrat Gausul Azam Maizbhandari (K) beside him in a dream saying, "Why are you so anxious? Put my green long shirt (jubba) on him." His father put the same on his son accordingly with no loss of time. Since then Hazrat Ziaul Huq Maizbhandari (k) became completely cured and quiet. He was a Majjub-e-Salek saint. He used to pass most of the nights sleeplessly and to travel through hills, forest, sea etc. without any set program and without informing anybody.He was married to Mrs. Syeda Monwara Begum, the youngest daughter of Late Badaruzzaman Chowdhury (Badan Sikder), a renowned Zamindar of Dantmara of Chittagong district on January 28, 1955. He has five daughters and one son. His only son Hazrat Syed Muhammad Hasan Maizbhandari (M.J.A.) is an M.A. in English. He is the Sajjadanashin of Gausia Huq Manzil, Maizbhandar Darbar Sharif and was President of the Maizbhandari Academy. The followers of Maizbhandari Tariqa and devotees of Hazrat Ziaul Huq Maizbhandari (R) are increasing day by day due to the able leadership, sagacity, foresight, intellect, personality and farsightedness of Alhaj Syed Muhammad Hasan Maizbhandari (M.J.A.). People call him "Mowla Hujur" out of love, affection and respect.
Hazrat Syed Ziaul Huq Maizbhandari (R) caused many miraculous and mysterious events to redress the sufferings of the common mass and to make the people aware of his divine and spiritual status. Some of his famous sayings may be stated here in the following for knowledge and the benefit of the global humanity :
(a) "Eat permitted things (Halal), offer prayer (Salah) and remember Allah every now and then."
(b) "If you like to understand me, go through the Holy Qur'an."
(c) "Maizbhandar Sharif is an ocean. Do not think it otherwise."
(d) "My office is the Baitul Muqaddas of the East- It is the house of Allah. It is the centre of Union of all nations."
(e) "My divine power of actions spreads throughout the boundary of Rahmatullil Alamin (blessings of the worlds, i.e., Prophet Muhammad (SAW))
(f) "If you spend the money meant for Hajj for the benefit of the distressed people, you will get the reward of Great Hajj (Hajj Akbar)."
(g) "A society can not live without co-operation."
Hazrat Syed Ziaul Huq Maizbhandari (k) was a perfect model of 'Rabubiyat' both in action and spirit. He was a philanthropist. He loved all people irrespective of sex, caste, creed and religion. Even the ugly owl was not deprived of his love and affection. He had no greed for mundane things. He burnt many currency notes into ashes. He asked the driver to drive the car with water and without any diesel or petrol and surprising enough, the car ran smoothly with water as a substitute for diesel or petrol. This great saint departed from the mundane world at the age of 60 on October 12 at 12-27 A.M., 1988 leaving his son Alhaj Syed Muhammad Hasan Maizbhandari (M.J.A.) as his competent successor and only heir to his divine throne behind him. Hazrat Syed Ziaul Huq Maizbhandari (k) is now invisible physically, but very much visible spiritually both in thoughts and actions. Because, 'the saints can never die.'
contemporary world through his different mysterious actions and wise sayings so as to contribute to the global peace and harmony. Hazrat Ziaul Huq Maizbhandari (l) was fortunate enough to have the endless blessings (Faiz) from three great mines of divine power namely, Hazrat Gausul Azam Maizbhandari (K), Hazrat Baba Bhandari (k) and his father Achi-e-Gausul Azam Khademul Fokara Hazrat Syed Delawor Hossain Maizbhandari (k). He was born on Tuesday morning, December 25' 1928 A.D.; Poush 10, 1335 B.S.; Rajab 12, l347 Hijri. On the 7th day after his birth news named as Syed Badiur Rahman. Hazrat Gausul Azam Maizbhandari (K) did not approve this and he asked his grandson Hazrat Delawor Hossain Maizbhandari (k) in dream to keep the name of his son as Syed Ziaul Huq instead of Syed Badiur Rahman. So, he was finally named as Syed Ziaul Huq (k). At the age of Hazrat Ziau'l Huq Maizbhandari (k) got his elementary education on Kalema and Arabic alphabet from his house tutor Moulavi Mozammel Huq. Then he was admitted to Maizbhandar Ahmadia Junior Madrasa and he studied upto class three in this Madrasa. After that he was admitted to Nanupur Abu Sobhan High School in class five which was adjacent to Maizbhandar Darbar Sharif. He studied upto class eight in this school and then he was admitted to well-reputed Collegiate High School in class nine. In 1949 he passed the Entrance Examination and got himself admitted to Chittagong Government College where from he passed I.A. examination. After that he was admitted to Kanungopara Sir Ashutosh College in B.A. Class. In 1953 during the third day of his B.A. Test examination he became in different and abnormal for sometime and came out of the examination hall submitting his answer script as blank. Thus his institutional or formal education came to an end through this mysterious event. After this event he came straight to Maizbhandar Darbar Sharif and began to undergo spiritual trial and tests (Riajat). He began to pass his time in deep meditation to God giving up the pleasure and comfort of the mundane world. He remained unfed and unslept for days together. Sometimes he used to dive in the water of the pond during the bitter cold of the winter for many days. He used to remain secluded in a single room with door closed from inside for days together breaking all the relations with the mundane world. Once while his father was thinking about his son in a slumber at night he found Hazrat Gausul Azam Maizbhandari (K) beside him in a dream saying, "Why are you so anxious? Put my green long shirt (jubba) on him." His father put the same on his son accordingly with no loss of time. Since then Hazrat Ziaul Huq Maizbhandari (k) became completely cured and quiet. He was a Majjub-e-Salek saint. He used to pass most of the nights sleeplessly and to travel through hills, forest, sea etc. without any set program and without informing anybody.

Hazrat Moulana Shah Sufi Syed Delawor Hossain Maizbhadnari (R)

Khademul Fokara Hazrat Moulana Shah Sufi Syed Delawor Hossain Maizbhandari (k) built his mundane world, meditation-world, ideological world and world of service by struggling against the cruel realities of life. He was born in Maizbhandar Darbar Sharif on February 27, 1893 A.D.; Falgun 13, 1299 B.S. He is the grandson of Hazrat Gausul Azam Maizbhandari (K) and second son of his father Hazrat Shah Sufi Syed Faizul Huq (R). He lost his father at the age of 9. So, he was brought up by his grandfather and grandmother amid their love and affection. At the age of 13, he also lost his grandmother Hazrat Gausul Azam Maizbhandari (K). Thus he faced the cruel realities of life at his very childhood. At the age of 5, he began his primary education under the supervision of his grandfather Hazrat Gausul Azam Maizbhandari (K).
Moulana Waliullah of Babu Nagar Village was appointed as his house tutor. After sometime Moulana Hafez Qari Tofazzal Hossain of Mirzapur village was appointed as his house tutor and he learned and studied valuable books on religion in Arabic, Persian and Urdu. Besides text books he also studied different books written by eminent Islamic thinkers and acquired deep knowledge over the Holy Qur'an, Al-Hadith, Fiqh, Philosophy and so on. Side by side with religious education he also studied books and papers in Bengali and used to read news papers, journals, magazines etc. in Bengali regularly' Hazrat Gausul Azam Maizbhandari (K) could not live for a single moment without seeing him. Hazrat Gausul Azam Maizbhandari (K) called him 'Dela Moina' (talking bird) out of affection. Hazrat Moulana Syed Aminul Huq Wasel Miazbhandari (k) is his Pir-e-Bait (guide who showed the path of divine love) and Hazrat Gausul Azam Maizbhandari (K) and Hazrat Baba Bhandari (k) are his Pir-e-Tafaiuz (guide who gave divine blessings). Hazrat Baba Bhandari (R) is the father-in-law of Hazrat Delawor Hossain Maizbhandari (R).
Hazrat Gausul Azam Maizbhandari (K) termed his beloved grandson as the 'Nawab' and 'sultan' (King of the spiritual empire). Hazrat Gausul Azam Maizbhandari (k) was the trustee (Achi) of Hazrat Gausul Azam Maizbhandari (K) who declared him (Hazrat Delawor Hossain Maizbhandari). as the heir to his (Hazrat Gausul Azam Maizbhandari) pedestal (Gadi Sharif) only a few days before his (Hazrat Gausul Azam Maizbhandari) departure from the mundane world.
Hazrat Delawor Hossain Maizbhandari (k) is the only personality who analyzed and explained the true nature of Maizbhandari Philosophy / Tariqa in detail. He wrote ten valuable books on Maizbhandari Philosophy in Bengali. His books, 'Belayet-e-Mutlaka' (translated into English) may be regarded as the master-piece on Maizbhandari Philosophy. In 1949 he established Anzuman-e-Muttabeyin-e-Gaus-e-Maizbhandari (an organization for the followers of Maizbhandari Tariqa) to circulate and spread the essence of Maizbhandari Tariqa, to establish social justice and to render humanitarian and welfare services to the community of nations.
He was very pious, humble and benevolent. His life-style was very simple. He loved all people irrespective of caste, creed and religion. He used to write 'Khademul Fokara' (servant of the poor or the service-provider for the poor) before his name.
He was completely dedicated to his master Hazrat Gausul Azam Maizbhandari (K) both in speech and action. He was totally committed to the observance of Shari'ah. He prohibited his sons / followers from building any tomb / domes or minarets over his holy shrine / grave. He departed from this mundane world on Saturday morning, January 16, 1982 A.D.; Magh 2, 1388 B.S. at the age of 90. He left five sons and six daughters behind him. And epitaph has been in scripted on the wall of his holy grave in the following way :
"The hard structure of the human nature is your drinking pot. The vast body of colorful earth is your garden of flowers."
Needless to say, Hazrat Delawor Hossain Maizbhadari (R) was a perfect model of Maizbhandari Tariqa.

Hazrat Gausul Azam Bil Birachat Moulana Shah Sufi Syed Golamur Rahaman Maizbhandari (k)

Kutubul Aktab Bil Birachat Gausul Azam Haztat Moulana Shah Sufi Syed Golamur Rahaman Maizbhandari (k) is the second great saint of Maizbhandar Darbar Sharif after Hazrat Gausul Azam Maizbhandari (K). His unparallel love for Hazrat Gausul Azam Maizbhandari (K) was highly reflected in his whole life and deeds. He completely surrendered his instinct to the greatness of his master Hazrat Gausul Azam Maizbhandari (K).
He was born in the morning of Monday on October 10, 1865 A.D. Ashwin 27, l2l0 B.S. and Zamadius Sani 12, l270 Hijri in the village of Maizbhandar under Fatickchari Thana of Chittagong district, Bangladesh. His father was Mr. Syed Abdul Karim Shah and his mother was Mrs. Syeda Musharrafjan Begum. He is the direct nephew of Hazrat Gausul Azam Maizbhandari (K). Hazrat Moulana Shah Sufi Syed Golamur Rahaman Maizbhandari (k) is popularly known as 'Baba Bhandari."
Hazral Baba Bhandari (k) began his primary education in a Forkania Madrasa situated in the compound of his house. His teacher in the Forkania Madrasa was a very pious and experienced teacher. His teacher once said to the father of Hazrat Baba Bhandari (k) thus : "Let your son be admitted to Madrasa. This baby will become an ideal man in course of time and people will turn into golden man with his touch of love. His name and fame will spread throughout the world." The father of Hazrat Baba Bhandari (k) became very pleased at the remark of his teacher and he took Hazrat Baba Bhandari (k) to Hazrar Gausul Azam Maizbhandari (K) to give him (Baha Bhandari) the first lesson. Hazrat Gausul Azam Maizbhandari (K) smiled mildly looking at Hazrat Baba Bhandari (k) and said, "Will you read Kalamullah (Holy Qur'an)? Okay! Read." Then Haztat Gausul Azam Maizbhandari (K) recited some Ayats (verses) from the Holy Qur'an and prayed to God after offering Milad Sharif (appreciation expressing pleasure for the birth of prophet (SAW). Receiving approval from Hazrat Gausul Azam Maizbhandari (K), Hazrat Baba Bhandari (k) got himself admitted to the Fatickchari Madrasa and began his studies.
After completion of his education at the Forkania Madrasa Hazrat Baba Bhandari (k) began his studies in the Government Mohsenia Madrasa of Chittagong, Bangladesh. While studying in this Madrasa he was adorned with the adjectives like well-behaved, humble, gentle, simple, modest, economical in eating and conversation etc. both by the teachers and his classmates. He used to engage himself in prayer, fasting, recitation of the Holy Qur'an from his very childhood. His self-controlling practices during his boyhood and youth were quite surprising. He used to offer Tahajjud prayer regularly. He was [he best student of his class in the Madrasa. During his study in Mohsenia Madrasa he used to stay in lodging. While he was staying in lodging he was found to lead congregation of Sufis (spiritual devotees) in prayer at the last half of every night in Bahaddar Hat Mosque of Chittagong town. This event was seen by many people in the locality.
When Hazrat Baba Bhandari (k) was 23 years old, he became indifferent to worldly life. To make him attentive towards the worldly life his parents arranged marriage for him with Mrs. Jebunessa, daughter of Alhaj Syed Ashraf Ali Al-Hsani of Suabil Village under Fatickchari Thana. After marriage Hazrat Baba Bhandari (k) became more indifferent than before.
A surprising incident occurred when he was 25.He was an examinee of Fazil Final Examination during this time. He came to Maizbhandar Darbar Sharif to take blessing from Hazrat Gausul Azam Maizbhandari (K). But he could not get any scope to talk with Hazrat Gausul Azam Maizbhandari (K) even after passing a couple of days in Miazbhandar Darbar Sharif. But Hazrat Baba Bhandari (k) would not go to town to sit for examination unless he is permitted to do so by Hazrat Gausul Azam Maizbhandari (K).When the date of examination was knocking at the door, Hazrat Baba Bhandari (k) finding no other alternative went to Hazrat Gausul Azam Miazbhandari (K) along with Mr. Syed Muhammad Hashem (brother of Baba Bhandari) and Mr. Syed Faizul Huq (son of Hazrat Gausul Azam Maizbhandari (K)) to take permission from him. Hazrat Gausul Azam Maizbhandari (K) was then sitting by the side of the mustard field on the bank of the canal Katakhali in front of his disciples and devotees.Hazrat Baba Bhandari (R) was standing bowing his head towards the ground. Hazrat Gausul Azam Maizbhandari (K) was looking at Hazrat Baba Bhandari (k) with deep attention and told many things in deep meditation (Jajab). Nobody could realize the meaning of utterances of Hazrat Gausul Azam Maizbhandari (K) in such an emotional situation. After sometime Hazrat Gausul Azam Maizbhandari (K) came to normalcy and said, "Your examination is over, my boy! I ask you to stay in the mosque taking your meal in the tailoring shop of Asraf Ali Khalifa in Nazirhat under Fatickchari Thana of Chittagong district." But Hazrat Baba Bhandari (k) went to Chittagong town to appear at the examination under the pressure of his relatives. He appeared at the examination normally for the first two days and on third day he threw away his pen and answer script in the examination hall and became senseless. He was taken back home and placed in front of Hazrat Gausul Azam Maizbhandari (K). Hazrat Baba Bhandari (k) was drunk one glass of 'sharbat' (water mixed with sugar) by Hazrat Gausul Azam Maizbhandari (K) with his own hand.As a result, Hazrat Baba Bhandari (k) became normal. After this he went out for spiritual journey and traveling through river, ocean, forest, jungle, hill, mountain etc. for a long time, he at last returned to Maizbhadar Darbar Sharif at the age of 40.Hazrat Baba Bhandari (k)'s voice was very swept: He used to wear white and smooth clothes. He used to remain in deep meditation most of the time. He used to ask the people to pour water on his one hand. The materials used by him and his other belongings are still preserved in his residence (Huzra Sharif).Hazrat Gausul Azam Maizbhandari (K) said about Hazrat Baba Bhandari (k) thus :"He is Shah-e-jalal. He stays in Yemen. He travels in Alm-e-Arwa (divine world).""There are eighteen thousand flowers in my garden. He is the best flower of my garden."
Hazrat Baba Bhandari (k) spread the essence of Maizbhandari Tariqa throughout the sub-continent by his divine blessings and humanitarian actions and miraculous activities. This great personality departed from this mundane world on Monday at 7-55 A.M., April 5, 1937; Chaitra 22, 1343 B.S.

Gausul Azam Hazrat Moulana Shah Sufi Syed Ahmad Ullah Maizbhandari (K)

Gausul Azam Hazrat Moulana Shah Sufi Syed Ahmad Ullah Maizbhandari (K) belongs to the tribe of Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SAW). With the passage of time the descendants of Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) came to Baghdad, from Baghdad they came to Delhi and from Delhi they came to Gour, the then Capital of Bengal. In 1575 A.D. epidemic broke out in Gour and as a way of escape Kazi Syed Hamiduddin Gouri came to Chandanaish of Chittagong. Bangladesh and settled there. His son Mr. Syed Abdul Quader came to Azim Nagar of Fatickchari Thana of Chittagong district with a view to performing the duty of an 'Imam' in a mosque. Mr. Syed Ataullah was Syed Abdul Quader's son and Mr. Syed Ataullah's son was Mr. Syed Taibullah. Mr. Syed Matiullah, the father of Gausul Azam Hazrat Moulana Shah Sufi Syed Ahmad Ullah Maizbhandari (K), is the second son of Mr. Syed Taibullah. Mr. Syed Matiullah settled in the village Maizbhandar and ultimately became fortunate in havin g the illustrious son Hazrat" Gausul Azam Maizbhandari (K). Hazrat Gausul Azam Maizbhandari (K) was born on Wednesday afternoon, 1826 A.D.; Magh 1, 1233 B.S.; 1188 Maghi, and 1244 Hljri.
The primary education of Hazrat Gausul Azam Maizbhandari (K) began in the village Maqtab. He completed his secondary education under Moulana Mohammad Shafiullah, an inhabitant of village Azim Nagar under Fatickchari Thana of Chittagong district. Moulana Mohammad Shafiullah was a spiritually developed Alim (Saheb-e-Kasf). After secondary education, Hazrat Gausul Azam Maizbhandari (K) went to Calcutta Aliya Madrasa in 1260 Hijri and he passed the Kamil Final Examination of the Madrasa with distinction and deep knowledge over the Holy Qur'an, Al-Hadith, Tafsir, Fiqh etc.in the year 1268 Hijri. During his study in Aliya Madrasa of Calcutta, India, he used to stay in the residence of Sufi Nur Mohammad Saheb (R) who was an enlightened Alim (Mujahid-e-Alim).In 1269 Hijri Hazrat Gausul Azam Maizbhandari (K) was appointed Kazi (Judge) of greater district of Jessore in Bangladesh. After sometime he resigned from the post and started his career as a Professor of Munshi Bu-Ali Sahebs Madrasa in Matia Buruz of Calcutta, India. During this time Hazrat Gausul Azam Maizbhandari (K) came in close contact with Sultanul Hind Gaus-e-Kaunain Shaikh Syed Abu Shahma Muhammad Saleh Al-Quaderi Lahori (R), a descendant and Spiritual caliph of Hazrat Gausul Azam Piran-e-pir Dastagir Shaikh Syed Muhiuddin Abdul euader Gilani (K). Hazrat Gausul Azam Maizbhandari (K) for the highest spiritual blessings (Bil Birachat Faiz of Gausiat) from Hazrat Abu Shahma (R) and became Hazrat Abu Shahma (R)'s spiritual caliph. Later on, Hazrat Gausul Azam Maizbhandari (K) also got spiritual blessings (Faiz of Ettehadi Tabiat) from Hazrat Shah Sufi Syed Delwar Ali Pakbaj Muhajir-e-Madani Lahori (R) who was a confirmed bachelor. Hazrat Shah sufi Syed Delwar Ali Pakbaj (R) was the elder brother of Hazrat Syed Abu Shahma Muhammad Saleh AI Quaderi Lahori (R). Hazrar Abu shahma (R) was the Pir-e-Tariqat (guide who showed path of God) and Hazrat Delwar Ali Pakbaj (R) was the Pir-e-Tafaiuz (guide who gave blessings) of Hazrat Gausul Azam Maizbhandari (K). Being blessed by two great spiritual saints, Hazrat Gausul Azam Maizbhandari (K) became a perfect (Kamil) saint with the power of distributing divine blessings (Khudai Fazilat) to mankind. Hazrat Gausul Azam Maizbhandari (K) was a born saint (Bil Asalat) through love and dedication to his Pir-e-Kamil Hazrat Abu Shahma (R).He acquired the highest status of Belayet (Bid Darasat) through both mundane and divine knowledge (Faiz-e-Ettehadi and Ilm-e-Ladunni). He became the global saint (saint of the world by attaining the highest stage among the four stages of Belayet (Malamia Masrab) through great sacrifice, self-control, devotion and dedication and by fighting against all human creeds and evil motives. According to the predictions of Hazrat Shaikh-ul-Akbar Allama Muhiuddin lbn-e-Arabi (R) as stated in his famous book, Fasusul Hekam, Hazrat Moulana Shah Sufi Syed Ahmad Ullah Maizbhandari (K) may be termed as the Khatemul Awlia (descendant saint of Prophet Muhammad (SAW), Khatemul Alad (last greatest saint Fardul Afrad (mobilizer of both visible and invisible things), Din-e-Matin (protector of Sacred religion), finisher of the restricted Belayet (Chained divine love to Belayet-e-Makaiyeda-e-Muhammadi), and propounder of the open Belayet (unchained divine love or Belayet-e-Mutlaka-e-Ahmadi), Nisbatain-e-Admee (enclosure of all the circumstances - present, past and future) and Gausul Azam (greatest saint or leader of the saints in the age or era of Belayet-e-Mutlaka (unclaimed divine love). It should be mentioned here that Shaikh Syed Muhiuddin Abdul Quader Gilani (K) is the first Gausul Azam for the age of restricted Belayet (Chained divine love or Belayet-e-Mukaiyeda-e-Muhammadi) and Hazrat Moulana Shah Sufi Syed Ahmad Ullah Maizbhandari (K) is the Gausul Azam for the age of open Belayet (Belayet-e-Mutlaka-e-Ahmadi or unchained divine love). Six hundred years after the departure of Hazrat Gausul Azam Shaikh Syed Abdul Quader Gilani (K) from this mundane world, difference of opinion appeared in the religious world of Islam. With a view to relieving people from this darkness through the appropriate and simple spiritual means, Almighty Allah changed restricted Belayet into open Belayet which is unrestricted and all-embracing. It is a special power of Belayet. It embraces all people irrespective of caste, creed and religion who at least believe in the oneness of Allah (Tawhid-e-Adyan). The era of Belayer is the best era which takes into consideration all normal and evoutionary processes of social lives and spiritual world. This open Belayet may be termed as the most effective force for establishing world peace which is the truest essence of Islam. Under this open Belayet Hazrat Gausul Azam Maizbhandari (K) introduced seven Methods of relief for the emancipation of mankind and purification of soul which include three stages of destruction of human instincts such as, (i) Self-reliance (Fana Anil Khalk), (ii) Avoidance of Useless things (Fana Anil Hawa), (iii) Total surrender to God (Fana Anil Erada) and four types of death of human aptitude like (i) Self-control (white death or Mout-e-Abyaz), (ii) Self-criticism (black death or Mout-e-Aswad), (iii) Avoidance of sexual desire and greed (red death or Mout-e-Ahmar) and (iv) Sacrifice of luxurious life (green death or Mout-e-Akhjar). Many contemporary intellectuals, Alim-e-Din (learned in religious studies) and eminent personalities like Hazrat Shamsul ulema Moulana Zulfiqar Ali Saheb of Calcutta, India; Moulvi Ayub Ali, Hazrat Moulana Shah Sufi Syed Saifullah, Hazrat Moulana Abdul Gani Kanchanpuri (R), Mufti-e-Azam Hazrat Moulana Aminul Huq Farhadabadi (R), Hazrat Moulana Azizul Huq Al-Quaderi (R) (Sher-e-Bangla) passed very high remarks about Hazrat Gausul Azam Maizbhandari (K) after seeing him personally and knowing him in different ways.All the eminent personalities mentioned above admitted about the greatness of his sainthood (Gausul Azmiat) claimed by Hazrat Gausul Azam Maizbhandari (K) himself and predicted by Hazrat Shaikh-ul-Akbar AIlama Muhiuddin Ibn-e-Arabi (R). About two hundred Alims became perfect saints with the blessings (Faiz) of Hazrat Gausul Azam Maizbhandari (K). Hazrat Gausul Azam Maizbhandari (K) is the spotless gift of God (Faiz-e-Mujarrad) to mankind. He showed thousands of miraculous events (keramat) as God desired for the emancipation of the masses. Ail thirsty people come to him with their respective pot of eligibility and rake blessings from him in accordance with the size of the pot. The Tariqa propounded by Hazrat Gausul Azam Maizbhandari (K) is known as Maizbhandari Tariqa. Some of his famous sayings may be cited here to form an idea about his spiritual greatness :
(a) "In the Day of Judgment I shall be the first to say, "La Illaha Illallah" (There is no God but God)(b) "I went to Mecca and saw the bosom of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) as an endless ocean. I myself and my elder brother Hazrat Abdul Quader Gilani (K) dived into that ocean."
(c) "Out of his (Hazrat Muhammad (SAW)) two caps, Prophet Muhammad (SAW) put one cap on my head and the other one on the head of my elder brother Hazrat Gausul Azam Abdul Quader Gilani (K). My name has been written in golden letter with the name of Piran-e-Pir Hazrat Gausul Azam Shaikh Muhiuddin Abdul Quader Zilani (K)."
(d) "I have twelve stars, twelve domes (bastion) and twelve conference rooms."
(e) "I have four cushions, four paths (Majhabs) and four leaders (lmams)."
(f) "The dead people are crying. So I have come to this graveyard. You go home. genii, fairies, snakes, tigers etc. will do no harm to me. They are loyal to me."
(g) "I offer prayer in Baitul Muqaddas."
(h) "You remain in your religion. I have made you Muslim."
(i) "Eat self-cooked food. Do not eat food cooked by others' I keep fasting for twelve months. You also practise fasting."
Hazrat Gausul Azam Maizbhandari (K) gave importance to moral religion over religious rituals and preferred calling people to the path of God through good advice, technique like divine songs and other scientific means. He gave Importance to the establishment of social justice (Adal-e-Mutlak) and human welfare (Hakkul Ebad). This great saviour of mankind departed from this mundane world at the age of 79 at 1 A.M. on Tuesday, January 23, 1906, Zilqad 27, l323 Hrjri, 10 Magh, 1313 B.S. and 1268 Maghi.

Shajrahsharif Spiritual Roots of Gausul Azam Syed Ahmad Ullah Maizbhandari